I'm all settled into my new residence... though I do not have television, Internet... and my cell phone works in very few locations. I'm getting much better at driving the car too! I can almost not stall out on flat ground!
But seriously, its CRAZY here! One of the first days I was here we went to the movies... Bonnie Mosser just happened to be there too. Needless to say I freaked

Maryland H.T. is this weekend and I hope I get to tag along! Heidi White stopped by one day and dropped off a horse, Noodle, for Will to try. He's hoping to take him to Fair Hill for the CCI**... This place is crazy awesome!
In other news, after the epic fail weekend in September, we decided to we should sell Wesman. He stayed home when I left for Will's hoping he would sell... Reports from home are saying that we may have movement on his sale!
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